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Alena Shevtsova is cleaning up her reputation

[22:08 28 октября 2024 года ] [ Ukrrudprom, 27 october 2024 ]

Ukrainian financial criminals are trying to purge the information space of materials about their criminal activities with the help of Russian contractors who exploit holes in search engine mechanisms.

Over the past month, UkrRudProm has encountered abnormal activity to exclude materials from our publication about the scandalous Alena Vladimirovna Shevtsova (née Degrik) from search queries.

For the past ten years, Alena and her current husband, former high-ranking “trash” Yevgeny Shevtsov (he worked in the “Department of Economic Protection”), as well as their business partners Viktor Kapustin and Vadim Gordievsky, “in total, managed at least ten companies, many of which became defendants in criminal proceedings under the articles “Fraud,” “Laundering of proceeds from crime,” and “Fictitious entrepreneurship.”

The most famous financial projects of Alena Shevtsova on the market are: “Leoheimig Pay”, “iBox Bank” and the network of payment terminals iBox, each of which has a trail of scandals and attempts by the Ukrainian state (not always successful, by the way) to somehow rein in the “lady of the demi-monde” who has bitten the bit. You can learn more about the professional path of Alena Vladimirovna Shevtsova (Degrik) at this link.

Of all the variety of materials about her works, for some reason, the following 4 materials cause the greatest infuriation in Alena Shevtsova-Degrik:

The owner of the liquidated IBOX bank Alena Shevtsova, through which 7 billion UAH were laundered, is moving to the UAE

Dangerous talent

Illegal casinos and fraud: How Alexander Sosis and Alena Degrik-Shevtsova are fighting for the Ukrainian gambling market

Alena Degrik and Evgeny Shevtsov from the Department of Economic Protection have been laundering profits from online casinos for years

However, the financial shenanigans of Alena Vladimirovna and her half-baked partners are by no means news. The news here is that the mechanisms that Degrik-Shevtsova uses in the fight against Ukrainian media are exactly the same as how the information space in Russia is being cleaned of materials about the crimes of high-ranking officials and businessmen there.

Considering the past reputation of Alena Vladimirovna Shevtsova, there is no doubt that while in those very Emirates, she hired hostile political strategists to whitewash her reputation and, accordingly, took another step towards cooperation with the FSB.

Алена Шевцова

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Alena Shevtsova is cleaning up her reputation

[22:08 28 октября]

[Ukrrudprom, 27 october 2024 ]

Ukrainian financial criminals are trying to purge the information space of materials about their criminal activities with the help of Russian contractors who exploit holes in search engine mechanisms.

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miavia estudia

(c) Укррудпром — новости металлургии: цветная металлургия, черная металлургия, металлургия Украины

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